Nate Neal

Sanctuary cartoonist, Nate Neal and I yakked about his latest book, his work and Mome and other topics of general cartooning interest. Sanctuary has a really great language all to itself, and his work in Mome utilizes a while different skill set. Good comics.

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2 Responses to Nate Neal

  1. Joe Williams says:

    Nate’s work is really good. I live near Grand Rapids and met a couple of the Hoax crew many moons ago. Never got to meet Nate but saw his work in Hoax and have tried to keep up with his stuff since then. Hope the collection gets Sanctuary some more attention because it felt like nobody noticed when it was coming out.

  2. Patrick Kain says:

    I don’t think there is anything wrong with how contemporary comics culture is. Maybe Nate is right. It might not the audience he is trying to get at. But hey, silk screen covers covers rule and maybe some people just can’t be published by Fantagraphics.

    Love the show, Robin.

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